Field Notes from a Realtor
Gloom to Bloom in 12 Days
This Mountain View listing located in the heart Silicon Valley brought together a lot of the expertise I’ve gained over the years, so we documented the entire process to show how I took the home from “gloom to bloom.”
Is Your Email Signature Referring You More Business?
The average business user sends more than 120 emails per day. Your email signatures is a very effective (and free) tool to brand yourself to the people you communicate with.
Here are top three questions to ask about your current email signature:
5 Quick and Easy Social Media for Real Estate Tips
Big thanks to the Sereno Group Willow Glen office for hosting the social media round table today. Wanted to share a couple takeaways from the amazing panel today as well as a "5 quick steps to get started..." infographic that was shared with me.
A Better Way for Real Estate Agents to Provide Disclosure Packages Using Google Drive
In our fast-paced Silicon Valley real estate market, the time it takes to prepare, distribute, and track disclosure packages can be daunting for any top agent. It also takes time away from closing deals! So what can be done to streamline the process?
Using Google Drive for Disclosures
If you are not familiar with Google Drive, don’t worry, here’s a great interactive tour to help get up to speed on how to use Drive. You’ll want to learn how to upload documents and reference the templates that I have below.
Things Real Estate Agents Should Not Say - #1
I am consistently amused by the words that I hear some "ethically-challenged" real estate agents say. With an industry where the barrier to entry is so low (raise the bar please!) and over 50,000 licensed agents in our MLS, it's just bound to happen that our paths cross. Since I'm getting older and I think I'm starting to forget things, I'm now committed to documenting these unbelievable (or believable, depending on how you look at it) statements that I hear from real estate agents. This is partly to poke fun at these agents for my own amusement, but even more so to hopefully raise the professional standards of real estate professionals.
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