Is Your Email Signature Referring You More Business?

The average business user sends more than 120 emails per day. Your email signatures is a very effective (and free) tool to brand yourself to the people you communicate with.

Here are top three questions to ask about your current email signature:

1. Does the email signature represent who I am as a person, professional, and Realtor?

Full name? Nickname (more casual)? Middle initial (more formal)?
Alex H. Wang

Title? Designations? - Tell the world what you do *
Alex H. Wang, Realtor, MBA, CPA, CIPS, GRI, CRS, SRES, etc.

Company name? Office address(es)? Best number to reach you?
Sereno Group
258 High Street, Palo Alto, CA 94301
369 S. San Antonio Road, Los Altos, CA 94022
(650) 331-9088 (do you want everyone to have this number?)

BRE license number?

* If you do have designations at the end of your name, I recommend information on your website explaining what the designations are and why it brings value to your clients.

2. Is my phone number and website included and ‘clickable’ whether it’s being viewed on a website or mobile device?

Tip #1: Be Device Neutral - Test out how your phone number looks on multiple devices. The goal is to be ‘device neutral’ so that anyone viewing your email signature can call you or access your website with just ‘one-click’ regardless of what device they are using. It can be frustrating for someone to have to copy and paste your contact information from your email in order to refer you or get a hold of you.

Tip #2: Less is More - Depending on the devices that your clients are using, there may be attachment problems when your email signature is being forwarded. Try removing attachments that can take up space and end up annoying your recipients. Focus on text with links and “call-to-actions”!

3. Have I included (or not included) links to social media and other websites that will help reinforce who I am as a person, professional, and Realtor?


Tip: If your last blog post was seven months ago or you have an inactive social media account, think twice before adding it to your signature.

Extra credit / bonus tip: Raziel Ungar is an awesome agent that I know and he posts his recent solds and upcoming listings linking to his website at the bottom of his email signature. A little more work to maintain, but definitely helps build credibility and experience in given market area.


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