Unearthing Blog Gems
The Carnival of Finance for folks in their 30s and 40s continues at makingourway and includes the article Real Estate Myths Home Buyers Fall in Love With in their post-Valentine's Day round-up and featured How to Lose Your House in their previous edition.
One of the benefits of Blog Carnivals is that you get exposure to content you might not have otherwise seen.
Carnival Participants
For example, I liked reading their post "Does Your Employer's 401(K) Match Really Mean Anything?" in which they challenge the conventional wisdom that maxing out your 401K is a good thing, even if your company matches. The post goes beyond the "golden handcuffs" argument and into corporate implications.
But what I really like to do is visit some of the blogs that had articles included in the Carnival and pick out some that weren't submitted. Here are some good examples.
- Verve Coaching writes about Facing the Unknown delving into issues about fear and control.
- Super Saver talks about an odd silver lining when paying alternative minimum tax (AMT).
- The Skilled Investor Blog takes the stance that "financial science drives industry product development, but not toward the best interests of individuals."
Bubble Blog Surprise
Blogging is definitely not without its other surprises. A couple weeks back, I wrote an article When Not to Buy a House which got picked up by both the Carnival of Real Estate, whose target audience is real estate agents, and the Housing Crash Newsletter over at Patrick.net.
I think it's important to communicate more about common sense than hyperbole, and I'm happy that people any number of opinions on real estate have pulled up the article almost 4,000 times in the past two weeks.