Keeping It Real: RealTown and Real Opinionated
A big thank you to the folks at RealTown for naming the Silicon Valley Real Estate Blog their Blog of the Day! RealTown bills itself as an online real estate community which makes it similar to ActiveRain. The main difference is that RealTown emphasizes its discussion groups while ActiveRain emphasizes its blogs and ties to its consumer-focused sister site Localism.
The Frugal Duchess, Sharon Harvey Rosenberg, gives a mention to our Valentine article Real Estate Myths Home Buyers Fall in Love With. Her timely article on Red Carpet Payola illustrates some of the behind-the-scenes dealmaking that goes into what you see at the Oscars.
And a big shout out to Jonathan Greene at Tampa's Real Opinionated as well for the mention as a top consumer content guru. Jonathan is an Air Force Veteran who's served in Afghanistan and Iraq, and that service in itself is a lot more than a real estate blog aspires to be. Some of the blog gems on his site are Help! My Listing Expired! the Tampa Bay FSBO Survival Guide. He's recently done a complete redesign of the site with the help of the Real Estate Tomato, and the results look great.