Chronicles of a Silicon Valley Real Estate Agent - Day 2,954
8am: new construction 90-day post-move-in walk thru - builder walks thru the home to make sure that all the cabinets are working, grout/caulking is intact, no leaks, etc... I see a trend that this is commonly done by the larger, national builders but less so for the smaller local developers and builders in our area.
9:30am - office-wide meeting. These office meetings are generally very informative and useful in order to keep tabs of the market, new upcoming legal issues, mortgage rates, as well as important legal issues. That said, I haven't been to one of the meetings in a few months. In general, I think meetings suck especially if I have sign offs, inspections or are writing offers for clients. Perhaps something I need to work on to make a priority? Or perhaps not...
My Google calendar is the what I use to run my schedule. I have a calendar for my schedule. My wife's schedule. Our kids schedules. Each of my escrows has a calendar. Birthdays. It's all in one place in the cloud and syncs on multiple devices. Today schedule looks rather open in terms of not many in-person appointments, however looking back at the day, once I was in the car, I never really left the computer or phone.
A quick summary of some of my 112 phone calls today:
conversation about negotation strategy with multiple trustees in three separate states
one of my agents called to give me an update on showing progress for a client looking for Woodside acreage
received disclosures packages for a Cupertino and a Sunnyvale listing which a buyer stopped by over the weekend and has interest in
fielded 11 calls about my Hickory Way listing in Strawberry Park area of West San Jose and then spoke with sellers via Skype to discuss negotation strategies for this upcoming week
spoke with buyers in contract on charming Burlingame Village Park home and discussing possible repair negotations
negotation of offer submitted by a doctor client of mine who works at Kaiser Permanente (the doctor loan program is one of the few loan programs that will provide borrowers with private mortgage insurance (PMI))
one particular client has been complaining about not having good communication with me. I called him and left a message for him to call me back. No answer or response yet.
Sent referral of a termite inspector that I recommend to a friend
updated client on escrow closing timeline for Campbell listing
Skyped with client looking to sell their San Mateo / Hillsborough home and purchase in Palo Alto
called client after speaking to discuss problems with newly installed sod turning brown
got last minute call from client wanted to see home that just hit the market in downtown Palo Alto
spoke to contractor about possible "flip" opportunities coming to the market
spoke to seller about remodeling status of new 2/2 Burlingame Park condo listing coming to market
At the end of the day, looking at my Evernote to-do list and noticed that it was relatively untouched. *sigh*. Reminder for the day: jot down the 2-3 three most important things to complete today and do them first. It will give you a sense of accomplishment and not give you the feeling of thinking, "What did I do all day?"